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October 27, 2021

Christina Stjohn


Group Director

hacker spreading cyberthreats and FUD

With words like “threats,” “vulnerabilities,” and “attacks,” it’s hard to avoid sounding at least a little bit scary when talking about cybersecurity. Further, with bad actors seemingly targeting every industry with hacks on businesses large and small, it’s hard not to be anxious about a potential cyber attack.

But in cybersecurity PR and marketing, we’re tired of always being the bearers of doom and gloom. And, with mounting evidence that fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) doesn’t motivate infosec purchases -- especially among enterprises -- your buyers might be sick of hearing it, too. 

If you’re still using FUD to sell your cybersecurity solutions, it might be time to rethink your marketing strategies. But how can we flip the script on cybersecurity when it sounds so inherently scary?

Let your customers do the talking. Behind every cybersecurity company is a gaggle of customers with far scarier stories than marketers could ever make up. Utilize these real customer stories to showcase how your products and services have helped avoid cyber catastrophe. After all, case studies are among the top performers in generating SQLs and helping to convert leads.

Further, promoting positive, solutions-oriented thought leadership can offer a fresh perspective for potential buyers. Over 90% of CISOs consume thought leadership content during the buying process, and they likely don’t need to hear more horror stories warning them of the current cybersecurity landscape. 
For more tips on how you can flip the script in your cybersecurity PR and marketing strategies, download our new Cyber Tip Sheet today.