With over 2,000 press releases distributed in an average business day, it may seem like a bit of a challenge to make yours stand out. A fundamental key to engaging your audience with your brand is the inclusion of multimedia in your press releases. According to PR Newswire, embedding video and images in your press releases has proven to increase visibility up to 9.7 times! Here’s a few reasons why video is a must for any brand looking to get more viewership and, of course, to #makenews.
A study by the Online Publishers Association recently reported that when exposed to an online video, 52% of viewers took some form of Internet action , whether in the form of clicking a link or sharing the video via social media. That’s 6 times higher than content without video! Video allows you to entertain and educate an uninformed audience about your brand in a stickier way- an embedded video in a press release has been proven to attract more readers.
Expand Your Audience
You want the largest audience possible to see your announcement, right? Well, including images and video in your press releases might not raise awareness to your entire target audience, but a mix of multimedia content in your stories can increase your audience up to 970%! When compared to images, which increase your audience only up to 180%, it is clear that video is the way to go – and is clearly worth the extra resources.
Everyone’s favorite (and undead) topic. The numbers don’t lie. If there is one thing that search engines absolutely love, it is video. In fact, 80% of Internet browsers prefer videos over images and text in press releases, and an embedded video makes your release 53 times more likely to appear first in Google searches. So if you want to launch your press release to the highest position possible of every search engine results page, give search engines what they want: video.
Bottom line don’t fall victim to the boring, text-only press releases. In today’s digital marketing and content driven world, the only way your release is going to stand out from the thousands of others being published is through proper usage of video and multimedia content. As a top Atlanta and New Orleans tech PR firm, we understand the proper mix of multimedia options to get the most engagement from your releases.
Have questions, comments, or just want to #makenews? Tweet us at @alloy_crew