To bridge the gap between sales and social, Alloy hosted a LinkedIn Sales Training for CPG executives and sales team members to demonstrate how to leverage LinkedIn to support the brand and increase awareness. During the training, our social media marketing experts explained ways to curate personal brands, and how to translate those brands through LinkedIn profile updates and active engagement with prospects. Over 20 sales executives participated in the training, leading to over 400 new followers immediately after the training on CPG’s brand page (a 152% increase from the previous month). CPG’s engagement rate jumped from a steady 5% to 11.1% - showing the new content resonated and reached the right audiences.
By utilizing an integrated marketing strategy, Alloy helped CPG scale the brand into a market leader.

Comprehensive research
Before updating CPG’s brand messaging, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the data center industry, competitors, current messaging, media trends, and more in order to identify what messaging would resonate with CPG’s target personas.
Prioritizing storytelling
Across CPG’s new messaging and website, the Alloy team focused on the broad story of CPG as an industry-leading end-to-end technology partner, helping its connect the dots between its five lines of business. The new website’s subpages allowed us team to provide more context and deeper enterprise data center resources, providing opportunities for various models of engagement. Dividing our stories from broad brand stories to granular industry challenges provided a whole-picture view of CPG, elevating trust among prospective customers, understanding among current customers, and awareness within the entire industry.
Leveraging experts
We used SMEs within CPG to provide a face and name at CPG for customers and prospective customers to connect with. After conducting individual story mining calls, we created an overall thought leadership strategy that fed our PR and executive social media program.
"Alloy is the best of the best!"
— Nadia M., Marketing Manager