Our #ArmyofAwesome is constantly researching game-changing integrated marketing and PR strategies and tactics to help our rockstar clients #makenews. With as many as 3,000 press releases distributed, 500 million tweets sent and 2 million blog posts published each day in 2015, next year’s content train doesn’t seem like it is going to slow down, but rather, accelerate. In fact, Curata reports that in 2016, 60% of companies will have an executive in their organization who is directly responsible for an overall content marketing strategy. Undoubtedly, there will also be new trends in social media (perhaps even a new network), and with all of the shifts in the way we market and advertise, 2016 is poised to be an exciting year. So, what will be that “thing” that helps your technology company cut through all the clutter?
We’ve cracked the code on the next big things for 2016 that are sure to give your health IT, SaaS, Energy, Mobile, or Cybersecurity company that edge it needs to rise above your competitors and reach the new year’s goals.
1. Focus on Lead Generation and Sales:
Did you know that 85% of marketers cite lead generation and sales as top objectives for next year? Instead of utilizing the metrics of old (i.e. website traffic) to measure and track success, they will begin to use metrics such as quality of lead, sales and online conversion metrics as their KPIs. How are they going to reach their goals? By investing in content marketing, of course!
2. Real Time, Rich Data:
Our industry has finally come to the conclusion that social media is not a strategy, but rather another channel and spoke on the integrated marketing wheel. So now that content marketing is here to stay, it’s important that we are collecting rich, real time data on social media posts and videos as well as all other content marketing efforts to manage syndication of content effectively and quickly to optimize for success.
3. Video:
The continued rise of mobile equates to less overly produced videos and more user generated content in 2016. In fact, videos currently account for 50% of mobile traffic…not too surprising if you’ve signed on to Facebook lately. I don’t know about yours, but my newsfeed is covered in time sucking videos. If these videos have the right narrative coupled with entertainment and user generated content, you’ll have a viral hit on your hands faster than you can hit the “Like” button.
4. Personalization:
Currently, customers are seeking more personal engagement from brands; they don’t want to just see content overload, but rather, something that is directly beneficial to them. This trend will continue as customers become more demanding in their expectation of transparency. Genuine brands – the ones that “walk the talk” and create real value – will be rewarded. This means brands that still haven’t made their sales process transparent are headed to a not-so-bright future.
5. Mobile:
2015 was a BIG year for mobile. With mass adoption of the smartphone, mobile overtook desktop in search; and Google unveiled its “Mobilegeddon” update. In 2016, mobile will become even more powerful so it’s extremely important that you keep it in mind when planning any marketing, public relations and advertising campaigns next year. Trust us, everyone will be more receptive if they can properly view EVERYTHING on their phones.
6. Long Form Content:
The <140-character tweet won’t be the only high performing posts on the block. Say hello to longer, but more relevant, pieces of content. Re/code recently revealed that Twitter is looking for ways to introduce longer form content onto the network. But this content will be more transparent, personalized and relevant to its target audiences. Bottom line, you’ll need some long form, informative pieces to syndicate throughout your social networks.
7. Virtual Reality:
As more and more cost efficient virtual reality experiences are created (thank you Sony, Google and Oculus Rift), marketers and advertisers will have more opportunities to utilize this tool and create unique and immersive experiences.
8.Content as a Hub:
Content is no longer just a function of SEO. Strong content will become even more imperative to a strong communications campaign and marketing strategy in 2016. Content should be treated as the hub that all campaigns are centered around; from PR to social media to sales to recruitment to team building.
9. Influencer Relations:
You can have a great story to tell but in order to make it compelling, you need storytellers. Influencers - right-fit storytellers - will become even more integral to your brand’s story in 2016. In fact, 84% of marketers plan to integrate influencer relations in to at least on program next year in order to create more relevant, relatable content.
Do any of these trends resonate with your tech company’s 2016 goals and objectives? If so, or if you are just looking for a marcomm refresh for the new year, we’d be happy to chat with you about how Alloy's Uncommon Crew can help you win next year through out 360° approach. Simply contact us here or send us a tweet. We’d love to hear from you!