Issues with the global supply chain industry have been headline news for the past few years now. Everything from baby formula to chicken wings has become victim to the shortages caused by the pandemic, geo-political events and the talent crisis.
While having to wait an additional 6 months for your new dining table isn’t the best news, it is actually great news for supply chain tech disruptors. Now is the prime time for startups and new technologies aimed at solving this crisis to go to market.
But as everyone starts realizing that “there’s gold in them there hills!” the space is becoming more crowded. So how do you successfully expedite your product or solution’s go-to-market and stand out from the clutter? Here are some tips:
Make a Media Splash
The most effective way to ensure you stand out in a crowd is to get everyone around to shout your name.
Identify and highlight your market differentiators – i.e. price, speed, reliability, etc. – to immediately set your company apart from the rest of the pack.
Invest in obtaining customer testimonials or analyst reviews – this can help to emphasize the market gap you are filling.
Solidify your key messages and ensure all spokespeople are aligned on these – cohesity when speaking with the media is key to correctly positioning your brand.
Then Build an Integrated Marketing Foundation
Getting those media hits is great for brand visibility, building trust and SEO, but in 2022 it’s not enough.
A robust integrated marketing program is key to expanding the life and effects of going to market.
Social media marketing, SEO, digital ad campaigns and gated content creation should all be a part of your go-to-market campaign. Ensuring you are visible wherever your audience lives is key to driving leads.
It’s about meeting potential customers where they are and not expecting them to come looking for you.
People Over Brands
While brand recognition is important, people want to hear from people – especially SMB and enterprise customers.
Utilize your SMEs, execs and c-suite – they should be posting on social media, authoring original content and speaking with the media.
Creating a supply chain tech thought leadership campaign around your SMEs will boost the validity of your product/solution.
Now is the time for revolutionary supply chain tech solutions and products – the industry (and their customers) is begging for them! But don’t go rushing to launch without a solid plan. Strategically tackling each of the three factors mentioned above will produce top tier results and create a successful go-to-market.
A great example of a supply chain tech disruptor that had a highly successful speedy go-to-market because they filled a necessary gap in the market is Vori.
Vori’s joint series A funding and product launch announcement included a fully integrated marketing approach that included a robust media relations strategy, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, SEO strategy and thought leadership. This led to a 1000% increase in website traffic, a significant uptick in leads and several top tier hits including Wall Street Journal, Fortune, PYMNTS and Axios.
We at Alloy are always excited to bring a supply chain disruptor to market and our integrated marketing methodology allows us to deliver a successful yet expedited go-to-market campaign for our clients. Contact us today to discuss how we can make your supply chain product/solution stand out from the crowd.