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June 15, 2023

Raj Choudhury


Chief Executive Officer

In the fast-paced world of marketing, the focus has shifted from mass campaigns to personalized experiences. The Age of Mass Marketing has given way to the Era of Engagement, where the goal is to create meaningful interactions and build long-term customer relationships. As we reflect on the past decade of data-driven marketing, it becomes evident that prioritizing transactions over experiences can hinder brand reputation, revenue, and customer loyalty.

Integrated Marketing: From Tactical to Experiential

The early stages of the customer lifecycle, including awareness, selection, and purchase, have traditionally been the focus of marketing efforts. Integrated marketing, a blend of communication campaigns and performance marketing, has proven effective in driving prospects to convert into sales-qualified leads (SQL) and/or sales-qualified accounts (SQA). However, in the Era of Engagement, integrated marketing needs to evolve from a tactical approach to an experiential one.

Rather than relying solely on traditional touchpoints, brands should create captivating and interactive digital experiences that establish psychological and emotional connections with prospects. These experiences should go beyond a one-time interaction and hold the audience’s attention, leaving a lasting impression that goes beyond transactional marketing.

Product Engagement: The Key to Long-Term Loyalty

While it has become easier to get people to try products in today’s competitive marketplace, converting them into paid subscribers and ensuring long-term loyalty is a challenge. The Era of Engagement emphasizes the importance of product engagement as a means to foster loyalty and reduce customer churn.

Our 2022 Tech Marketing Report revealed that tech brands are increasingly focusing on serving existing customers due to concerns about churn. In this context, product engagement becomes crucial. Brands must go beyond initial adoption and actively engage customers with their products. By delivering ongoing value, personalized experiences, and addressing customer needs, companies can build trust and foster long-term loyalty.

Customer Success: Extending the Relationship

Once a buyer has adopted a product, the Era of Engagement shifts the focus to customer success. Customer success aims to extend the relationship beyond the initial purchase, driving customer satisfaction, and maximizing revenue streams.

Today’s customers demand more than just account representative-led support. Brands must align their customer success and product teams to provide multi-channel touchpoints, product education, and self-service pathways. By delivering ongoing support, education, and engagement, companies can cultivate strong customer relationships and increase the likelihood of upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

To thrive in the Era of Engagement, brands must shift their focus from transactional marketing to creating meaningful experiences throughout the customer lifecycle. By embracing these drivers of the customer lifecycle, brands can enhance their reputation, drive revenue, and build unwavering customer loyalty in the Era of Engagement. Download our playbook to learn more.